Forst needed a website design inspired by its roots. Forst beer is born in the untouched nature of the Alps, where water flows fresh from the snowy peaks and butterflies float freely from flower to flower in the wood scented air.
A project close to my heart. Forst trusted me with several campaigns, with out mutual cultural understanding since I grew up nearby their headquarters and understand the heritage very well.
Agency: Cayenne
Client: Forst
Role: Art Direction, Design, Illustration
A Facebook campaign where Lemsip becomes the testimonial character for positivity. Lemsip helps to feel better even when having minor symptoms of cold and flu and encourages people to keep on enjoying every moment in life.
Agency: TMW
Client: Lemsip
Role: Lead Design and Illustration
Clayton is a software for developers to check their code. Working alongside the founders and developers of the product, we created a series of illustrations and infographics to bring to life the branding and modern fresh character of the product itself.
This project had been developed during a Hack Day session at TMW. In times where all of us walk around the city looking at our phones and tablets and avoid human contacts, the challenge was to find a way to make people connect or even talk to each other in the streets. In only 24h time we developed the prototype of a device connected to an app that geolocalises other users with your same interests. The device is a badge that you can pin on you and if you meet someone with a similar interest to yours it will light up with a dedicated icon. It's up on you to start a conversation, but in that moment you might at least say hello to a stranger ^_^
What if you can solve defence issues with data science? This is a call to the brightest minds to take part to a serie of Data Science Challenges and not only win prizes, kudos and be part of a global community of data scientists, but also to have access to a set of data that wasn't accessible before. The British Defence Science and Technology Laboratory was in need to recruit data scientists that would help them solve “real life” problems through data analysis. The recruitment wasn’t going as they hoped as they were competing against highly paid roles in multinational companies, and they would mainly look for British Citizens for national security reasons. To help them we built a portal with data science challenges that would attract talent through not only monetary prizes but also a unique set of mock data similar to what the defence deals with, representing real world problems.
Agency: BAE Systems
Client: DSTL
Role: Creative Direction